Winter Solstice 2024

Three weeks into December, already deeply engaged in shadow work, we kicked off Yoga4All’s 2nd Annual Winter Solstice Celebration with Liv Daspreet’s mystical, meditative workshop for a Renewed Self-Concept.


To such beautiful music and Seva Hari’s Crystal Bowl, we offered all of our “sacred wounds” to the Divine for healing. Throughout the week, we built on the premise of using dark light to transcend the dualities of good and bad. Gopal led us through a ceremonial journey of para-theatrics to break through the trance of conditioning to find “the touch we want to receive”.


Against a backdrop of medieval candlelight, we shifted our shapes and re-shaped our shiftiness to embrace the personal and collective shadows.


In Sant Saroop’s Thursday a.m. class, we set a firm foundation on this beautiful Mother Earth in order to connect to the light of the Infinite from which we came, including marching in the sunrise to “When the Saints Go Marching In.”


On Friday, after powerful, punchy yoga, Liv Daspreet used conscious dance to help us drop into our original and sensual selves and to let “This Little Light of Mine” shine.


Tej Bagwati’s Winter Solstice Day class included yoga, meditation, and a labyrinth walk. In the wake of Rajpal’s crystal bowls healing, we busted out of the walls of our yoga space to circle the new labyrinth where we prayed, chanted, blessed ourselves, blessed each other, and made offerings to the Creation. Tej Bagwati cooked us another amazing Indian feast to enjoy afterward.


Just when we thought we were “all filled up” we gathered again on Sunday to travel the earth, the ocean, and the skies. Using the support of the elements and the vibration of the gong interwoven through three meditation kriyas, we arrived at our Celestial Home.


When we returned yet one more time on Monday, to chant with Tejpal on guitar and Liv Daspreet on cello, we were already over the moon and into the ethers. Tejpal’s guidance through meditation on top of the rich sounds of the strings and our voices breathed more helium into the beautiful balloons in which we were already flying. One more time, we enjoyed Sevasana with the Gong Master, Nambir, on both the Giant Gong and the junior gong—for a grand total of four gong healings!


Thank you to everybody who joined us for our Winter Solstice Sangha Celebration!


Sant Saroop & Liv Daspreet

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