Community Spotlight-Catherine

Community Spotlight-Catherine Ryan1. How did you come to practice Kundalini yoga at Yoga4AllTucson?
Moving to Tucson at the beginning of this year life simultaneously presented me with an extremely tough battle. One of those unexpected challenges in life you definitely didn’t want but didn’t know you needed. I felt alone because I only knew two people in this city and was 2500 miles away from my family. To get me through this I needed to incorporate something that I know works. Something I know strengthens my faith, calms my nervous system, and that I actually like doing. I did an online search for Kundalini in Tucson and found Yoga4All. Little did I know, not only would I find a place that offers Kundalini classes, but that I’d find a community.

2. How long have you practiced?
I was first introduced to Kundalini 10 years ago.

3. What has been your experience with the practice?
Kundalini practice seems always to produce an immediate energy shift in me. To me, it’s a high-sensation practice, much like dancing, biking, or climbing, and for that reason it’s not hard for me to show up consistently. Sometimes the poses can be silly, and I love any opportunity to laugh. Sometimes doubt creeps in, is this pose really going to do what it says it will do?, But the doubt creeps up less these days. I’ve done enough classes now to know deeply that this practice as a whole has a profound effect on me, and so I will keep practicing.

4. What does Sangha mean to you?

Sangha to me means holding. I’m held in this community and I graciously hold others. It feels like a warm nest. I know that no matter what I’m going through, I can meet with this group of people and suddenly the energy of my troubles dissolves, I can perceive everything from a more centered point of view. And by showing up to practice and to our events and by keeping in touch with our sangha members, I contribute to the integrity and strength of our Sangha. I’ve learned this year since coming to Yoga4All that having a sangha, and being a part of a sangha is vital.

5. Do you have any other wellness or spiritual practices?

I’ve adopted the idea that everything in life is a spiritual practice. Work, house chores, relationships, hobbies, food, and even finances. With everything I can practice surrendering, letting go of control, staying curious, and moving towards expansion. This way of living goes against the grain a bit, but for me, it just makes sense that I can be spiritual even by the way I wash my face, or how I interact with a store clerk or how I arrange the food on my plate.

6. What would you tell someone new to Kundalini Yoga?

I’d tell them that absolutely anyone can do it. I’d tell them that it’s playful and fun, and that we laugh a lot in class and sometimes we dance and there’s no judgement from anyone and we close our eyes to stay inward and end class in a relaxing gong bath. I mean, doesn’t that sound awesome?

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