I found the song: “Let My Life Be a Wheel of Prayer, Sat Nam” by Alexa Sunshine Rose and it resonated with my Druidic dedication to ritually honoring the Wheel of Seasons at the Spring Equinox Yoga4All Retreat. Nature based ritual deeply feeds one’s soul, connecting us with the beings that have steeped in these traditions for millennia. Gathering to share prayers as the wheel of the seasons shift is a immensely auspicious gift!
For many humans, prayer offers a sweetgrass basket in which to store their “heartwood” of concerns, intentions, gratitude, and sorrow. Prayer allows a means to release heartfelt emotions and organize what can be accepted or surrendered for serenity’s sake. Research on the Power of Prayer suggests it’s efficacy, regardless of a recipient’s awareness. So, let us choose where to place our thoughts, through the use of prayer and pranayam dedicated to whatever benevolent force fits our paradigm. And, thus, we can affect our neural and glandular chemistry by using Prayer as Mindfulness and Attunement to our soul’s highest potential.
Through Kundalini Yoga, Celestial Communication, and Shakti Dance our prayers are transformed into full somatic embodiment that: opens & aligns our subtle energy channels, strengthens our nervous system, and expands our meditative consciousness effectively, connecting us to the wisdom of our soul. When we can operate from our core essence, we can more likely harmonize our vibration with that of the universe. We thereby nurture our potential to be an instrument of grace.
We call on our ancestors, spiritual teachers, gurus, guides, elements, and collaborate our support. We reawaken our Interbeing-ness, our Gratitude, our Trust in our own Divine Essence.
Retreat space allows us to re-center, re-ground in remote spots that bring us closer to our true selves and sangha. We create space to transcend, surrender, dive deep, integrate our divine shadows and gifts. Every ceremony, dance, and prayer serve not only ourselves, but the cosmos, and our world.
“Let us become our prayers, so we can “Let the beauty of what we love, be what we do”. ~ Rumi