In Ayurveda, spices are part of our medicine cabinet. Depending on your constitution, your age, your current state of balance, your activity, your stress level and the season, your needs for specific spices will vary.
- For all constitutions favor in Winter, Ceylon cinnamon, cardamom pods, and fresh ginger.
- Ceylon Cinnamon supports the digestion of carbohydrates, clears the lungs, and supports the immune system.
Cardamom pods help in digesting proteins and are a great mucus clearer.
- Fresh ginger stimulates the digestive system, clears toxins, and helps in removing mucus. (If you struggle with a lot of mucus, you can use dry ginger).
- If your digestive system, and the whole system in general, does not suffer from inflammation, you could add warming spices to stimulate your digestive system as our digestive fire is lower in the Winter. Use mustard seeds, cloves, caraway seeds, black pepper, turmeric, and other peppers of your choice to name a few.
If your digestive system runs hot, stay with cumin, and coriander and use the spices above sporadically and in moderation.
As you can see, yogi tea is a perfect beverage for the winter season. It is a blend of Ceylon cinnamon bark, cardamom pods, black pepper (clears the blood, supports the digestive system, and clears mucus), fresh ginger, and cloves (anti-microbial, removes mucus and helps digestion).
Be creative and bring spices to your life!